AHH!!! Ladybugs In My Garden

How cute are these little guys – they would not be a worry to find them in your garden. Select rocks with a nice shape similar to the ones that are in the picture. Acrylic paints were used – you could even use paint that glows in the dark. They are sealed with three coats polyurethane to allow them to be used for many years.

Party Child Activity – Letter Of Their Name

When the reservations come in go get large letters of each child s name. Have lots of stickers, paints, glitter, paper, glue, pipe cleaners, sequins, brushes (for glue and paint) and any other little embellishments kids can decorate with. Don’t forget the plastic tablecloth – when the kids are done grab each of the four corners and bring to the top – discard. Such an easy cleanup.

Build A Snowman Activity Tray

erfergTake a serving tray with separation and add things like buttons,small twigs,ribbons,sequins and other small findings. Have the circles cut out before you begin – as well as the hats. When you are ready bring your little ones to the table and let them design snowman’s – and it really does not cost much. Felt of the circles can be bought for $.25 cents each and twigs are free. Other findings you probably have in your craft storage.

Halloween Pumpkin Bowling

1795775_1449634411978440_2338255391631412344_nThis is such a great idea and will be sure to start up laughter and conversation at a party. Felt cut into round circles was glued to the paper rolls to make bowling ball pins and three holes were carved into the pumpkin to make the bowling ball.

Craft Paper Hanger

10846470_10152871541252209_8105003512701890422_nA simple frame and two heavy duty closet rod shelf brackets make a perfect setting for your ambitious little artist. Make sure brackets go secuely into studs because a lot of force can be done by a small child when he/she pulls the paper down. You also might want to add an outside door rug in front to catch scribbles that would otherwise end on the floor – or if the child is slightly older maybe they might want to paint and it will catch drippings. What a great idea!