An American Patriotic Christmas Tree – Remembrance

Here is a Christmas tree found at a veterans hospital. They used a flocked green tree and covered it with flags and red and blue ornaments. Service members boots were put to the base of the tree. A collection of flags were used to make a finial on top of the tree. White lights are used but i think I would add some red and blue as well. Making a statement like this is so respectful and very beautiful to boot.

A Christmas Tree Idea For Small Areas

Here is a great idea for a small space. it is creative and actually rather cool. Using cut timber from a tree in fall branches are attached to a wall. Now, you could just attach to a 2×4 like a trunk of a tree and screwed at the top with a simple bracket into the wall. A strand of white lights was plugged in and run from branch to branch. Ornaments are hung from the wood with little picture hanging nails. The light cord is allowed to show and not kept tidy or hidden as part of the design. But, you could be as neat as you like. Little items can be set on top of the timber. Can be made from floor to ceiling and can be made to make a big impact. The wood could even be painted a Christmas tree green or hot pink – thats up to you.

A PERFECT Vegetable Tray

How much fun would it be to watch peoples faces when they come across this veggie platter when visiting you for the holidays. Of course, they aren’t veggies, but sugar cookies made to look like they are veggies. Use cookie cutters to cut cookies and a sugar cookie icing recipe for the icing. Even the middle cookie that looks like ranch dip looks sweet.

Pringles Cans Wrapped As Presents Make Excellent Christmas Cookie Exchange Containers

Photo Credit To Unknown

This is simple and makes giving cookies so much easier. (no need to stop at cookies – because Pringles cans could be used for a variety of Christmas presents.) Why spend money on buying a container to give cookies that most likely would be thrown away or just donated. These are easy to make and they are upcycled so it gives them additional uses.

Wash the inside of the can with a clean sponge or I used a wipe that was food safe that had bleach. This kept it clean so no bacteria grows.

Cut a piece of wrapping paper the height of the Pringles can. You will want to cover all of the design and advertising but no need to cover the silver rim or the bottom. When you have it cut you can use spray adhesive to cover surface or use a disposable paint brush and Mod Podge/white school glue. If using school glue mix in a bowl with a bit of water. Do not use excess because the wrapping paper will bubble, warp and then it wont meet the edges of the can.

The cookies I individually wrapped with cling wrap and placed them one on top of the other. I closed the lid and wrapped them with a coordinating ribbon.

These looked nice and I think made really nice presents.



Christmas Snowflake From Clothes Hangers

39b9b231ed17b154b6e2da2b6e003cc8This is such a cool decoration for Christmas. It is cheap so you can make a lot of them to really make an impact for the front of your home. There are different variations of it available but I like this one the best. Another aspect that I like about it, other then it being cheap and easy, is that it is already weatherproof.

You can find the video tutorial I used here:

Some variations I found are:

Wrap with small sized lights.

Wrap with dollar store tinsel garland.

Spray paint silver, gold or some other color of your choice.

Spray polyurethane on it and while it is still wet sprinkle glitter on it. Make sure to do this over an old sheet tarp. It would get messy. Think iridescent or a color to coordinate with your home color or theme inspiration.

You could really go to town with these and have several hanging from the front of your home or from large trees. You could use one for each window in your home. Your total minimal investment would be $2.00 for 12 hangers fro your local discount department store and a package of small zip ties which I got twenty for $1.75. I reinforced the ones I made with extra zip ties here and there so I used plenty of them. Instead of the floral piece the guy in the video used I went to Michaels and got medium sized thin wood cutouts. I spray painted them on both sides and heavily coated them with polyurethane to protect them from the elements. I hot glued these on. You can use your imagination for the center including leaving them with nothing in the middle. I like them that way as well.

851bdb89045e54b0adf3128505ca90a9Hang with twine or a thin piece of wire. Where the hanger is attached you could put a complimentary bow. I wouldn’t put the bow AND center piece though I think it would muddle the snowflake design a bit.

If you do this let me see them and I would be happy to share on this post. When submitting let me know what name to credit your design with.