What You Need To Create A Clutter-Free & Worry-Free Home Office

It was Albert Einstein that said, “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” Even research suggests that a messy desk is a sign of a highly creative, problem-solving genius. But being a genius doesn’t mean that you are a stress-free genius. Let’s take a look at what you need to tidy up your home office so you can better embrace the genius of your productivity and alleviate the worry that you may have missed some important details.



How to Approach De-cluttering

As with everything in life, you first need to understand how you are mentally approaching the task of decluttering. If you are approaching it as a chore, the less likely you are to experience all the benefits of a clutter-free workspace. A good mental approach to tidying up will allow you to create a new pattern of behavior which will result in a lasting change to your environment so you can increase, and maintain your personal productivity.

First things first —take some time to realize your goal — which is to be a more productive genius. Next, realize that a clutter-free workspace is an integral part of your productivity. This is because a clutter-free workspace is a functional workspace. It leads to worrying less about details or deadlines that you may have missed.

Clutter-Free Is the Healthy Choice

Now that you have the proper mental approach, you can begin to take action and clear out the clutter surrounding you. Taking action to tidy up your environment is not only a chance to make your environment physically healthier, but it is also both empowering and therapeutic. Actively improving upon your immediate surroundings reinforces that you do have the ability to positively influence things in your life.

A Place for Everything

You may have heard the proverb, “A place for everything and everything in its place.” It truly is great advice, especially as you work your way to a clutter-free home office. So let’s get started.

The first step you need to do is to make a place for things. But we need to figure out what things need a place and what things need to be chucked into the bin. So let’s start by putting things in piles. No need to sort through them just yet. We’re just getting started.

As you go, make note of what may come in handy to create an orderly setup moving forward — a basket for papers, a pen holder, and maybe a new pair of bookends. You will also need to start thinking about the unruly nature of cords and connections running to and from your laptop.

Oftentimes the random nature of cords running across your desk sets the stage for other disorganization. Consider streamlining all of those connections into a docking station that can be mounted out of sight. And don’t forget to keep the cord clutter that is out of sight and neatly tethered, as well. You’ll be surprised by how something as simple as cleaning up your cords can provide a fresh approach to your workspace.

You should also think about how to keep tiny things from going missing — like that micro USB flash drive you found beneath a pile of papers. It would be a real hassle if your external storage is accidentally lost. Imagine that you forgot to plug it back into its final destination after you unplugged it from the one USB port on your laptop. If you find that you have multiple USB-connected devices that are taking turns in your laptop’s one USB port, you can add USB hubs to ensure that your thumb drives, speakers, and other USB devices are secured in their very own places.

De-cluttering On the Go

Now you’ve shown yourself that small changes really do add up to powerful improvements. You may also notice that your stress level has significantly improved. Creating a clutter-free and worry-free home office to enhance your productivity will really pay off — both literally and figuratively.

But what about professionals who need to take their newly found productivity on the road? How do you streamline and keep your traveling office clutter-free and worry-free? There’s nothing so stressful as discovering that your charging cords aren’t in your tech backpack. If you’re a professional who works remotely once in a while or more often than not, the most important thing you can do is be proactive with your organization.


Make sure that your tech bag has its own set of cords for your phone, laptop, earbuds, cameras, drones, etc. Always make sure that they are in good condition — and most importantly, properly wound and tethered. You may even consider purchasing a power backup with wireless charging and streamlined USB-C adapter capabilities to reduce the number of “bricks” and “cubes” you need to take along with you. A quality power backup will provide you with information as to how long it will last. This is an incredible benefit because you don’t always have to find the nearest power outlet while working remotely.

Clearly Clutter-Free

Whether it’s your home office or your mobile office, or maybe your bedroom or closet, making the conscious decision to organize your environment is how you improve more than just your space. It is how you improve yourself — mind, body, and spirit.

Your purpose in creating a clutter-free space may be to become more productive. Just remember that you aren’t actually creating this thing called “productivity”, you are creating a space for you to function in a more productive manner. And your functionality is how you demonstrate the true genius of your problem-solving ability.

Racking Different Kinds Of Shoes At Home


Most people have a few pairs of go-to footwear choices — athletic sneakers, casual sneakers, boots, and something dressy — but there are so many other styles out there! Variety is the spice of life, and adding some new styles to your closet is a great way to add some flavor to your wardrobe. Additionally, there are many types of specialized footwear options that can really improve the overall quality of your life. Here’s a look at 10 types of shoes to add to your rack!

1. Slippers

Every footwear collection deserves at least one pair of cozy slippers for relaxing around the house. Besides keeping your feet warm and comfy, many types of slippers are much more versatile than most people realize. For example, you could certainly get away with wearing moccasins when you check the mail or even take a quick trip to the store. As an added bonus, you’ll never have to worry about cold kitchen floors when you’re grabbing a late-night snack!

2. Orthopedic Shoes

Orthopedic shoes are most well-known for their added arch support, especially for people who have flat feet, but anyone can appreciate their benefits — even those who don’t have foot conditions or injuries. Orthopedic shoes are designed specifically to support the contours and shape of feet, as well as to complement and facilitate their mechanisms and movements, so besides being extremely comfortable, they can actually help to prevent common problems before they occur. For example, did you know that your shoes can cause knee, hip, and back pain?

3. Loafers

Loafers are so versatile and convenient, not to mention stylish. They can run the gamut from casual to fancy, and being able to slip them on and off with ease is a simple pleasure that folks don’t fully appreciate until they have it. The classic penny loafer is an iconic look that works equally well with jeans or slacks. You can also find loafers with tassels, ornaments, and exotic patterns — the possibilities are endless!

4. Hiking Boots

When you’re in the mood to connect with nature, reach for your trusty hiking boots. Rugged yet comfy, hiking boots offer a nice balance between sneakers and boots, so while they’re naturally ideal for your outdoor adventures, they can actually be a fantastic option for any situation that requires you to be on your feet for a long period of time. Plus, with the right outfit, hiking boots can be surprisingly fashionable. Choose a quality pair and they’ll last a lifetime.

5. Fancy Shoes

Maybe you have a go-to pair of snazzy shoes for the office, but do you have a pair of formal dress shoes or heels for those special occasions when you really want to go all out? Even if you’re not attending red carpet events on a regular basis, having a pair of classy kicks might inspire you to seek out the finer experiences in life. Going out to dinner at a local restaurant feels like more of an extravagant event when you’re dressed to the nines!

 5. Sandals

While sandals are often associated with beachwear, you’ll be amazed by how often you’ll reach for them. Traditional sandals can be quite stylish when paired with the right outfit. Slides and flip-flops are incredibly convenient for quick errands or wearing around the house. And, of course, there’s nothing better on those hot summer days and nights.

6. Chelsea Boots

Chelsea boots exude coolness! They work beautifully with a laid-back outfit, but they can also be dressed up very successfully. Maybe you already have some boots, but there’s just something different about Chelsea boots that makes them worthy of their own category. They’re an ideal choice for autumn outfits, but really you can’t go wrong with them all year round.

7. Boat Shoes

You don’t need to be a sailor to enjoy boat shoes! Whether you’re gearing up for a yacht trip or just looking for a new look, learning how to style boat shoes is absolutely worth your time. Boat shoes are a great alternative to sandals on those chillier spring and summer evenings. When sneakers are too casual but dress shoes are too much, boat shoes offer an excellent middle ground.

7. Monk-Straps

Like Chelsea boots, monk-straps offer a distinctive take on the traditional dress shoe/boot style. What makes them unique is — you guessed it — the strap! This style dates as far back as medieval times, so they have a very classic look that’s undeniably elegant and sophisticated. The strap and buckle look so smart — pair your monk straps with a sweater vest and a collared shirt for a put-together aesthetic that’s professional, yet relaxed.

8. Equestrian Boots

Equestrian boots, also known as riding boots, are a great alternative to western boots. While they can be worn with similar outfits with a rootin’-tootin’ vibe, the slimmer profile and tighter silhouette make for a look that’s a bit more refined. Some lace-up equestrian boots are a superb choice for rustic, bucolic outfits inspired by country living.

9. Athletic Sneakers

You don’t need to be an athlete to enjoy athletic footwear. It’s just nice to have some sneakers that are reserved for trips to the gym, jogs around the block, and other physical activities. Not only will you perform your best, but you’ll avoid wear and tear on your everyday sneakers.

10. Platform Shoes

When you want to go big with your look (quite literally), platform shoes will do the job. The look is super trendy, and they can add 1-4 inches (or more) to your height. While many platform shoes feature over-the-top, statement-making designs, there are plenty of subtle options on the market too.

Have Fun Shopping Around

Hopefully, this little guide can inspire you next time you’re shoe shopping. Fashion is fun, so don’t overthink it! If something strikes your fancy, go ahead and treat yourself. As your shoe rack fills up, you’ll love being able to select the perfect pair to match your mood and look. There are so many other unique shoe styles waiting to be discovered, so enjoy the journey!

Tips For Keeping Your Home Healthy

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

If you want to keep your home healthy, your top priority should be to keep your home clean. Here are efficient ways you can maintain your home to create a safe and healthy living environment. 

Declutter your Space

So, the first and most important thing you need to do in order to keep your house clean and healthy is to declutter your space. You have to start with bigger stuff to get to the finer cleaning tasks like dusting and vacuuming.

Efficiently done decluttering process will free up a lot of space. Clothes that are lying around for no reason will only make you trip every time you try to walk around. That kind of clutter will only limit your space for movement and it will make you stressed and anxious whenever you look at it.

On top of all of that, having dirty clothes and wet towels lie around just about anywhere is very bad for your health. This kind of clutter creates perfect conditions for bacteria to grow and spread around. So, take your time to properly declutter, do your laundry and maybe go through your wardrobe and see if there are any clothes you no longer wear. You can either donate it or get it recycled. 

Keep the Kitchen Clean

Kitchen should be one of your top priorities. This is the space in which you prepare your food and eat. The last thing you want is to have all sorts of bacteria and infections running around freely where your food is. So, take your time and be very thorough when it comes to cleaning your kitchen.

Firstly, make sure to clean your kitchen sink regularly. Unclog the pipes, switch to new sponges regularly and wash everything off. The kitchen sink can get stinky if you don’t maintain it. Make sure to clean out your fridge every once in a while and don’t forget to clean your stove since stains can dry out and cause a whole mess that is hard to get rid of. 

Don’t Forget the Bathroom

The bathroom is tricky because this is where you take care of your hygiene. It needs to be clean and sanitised. That means to wet towels lying around to collect bacteria. Change your towels regularly and make sure to wipe off any excess water off the surfaces in the bathroom. 

The wet and moist environment is the best for bacteria. That is why you need to take extra care of your bathroom and prevent mould from developing on the walls. Making sure to ventilate or let enough air in is very important.

Let the Fresh Air In

Speaking of which, if you want to live in a healthy environment you need to let some fresh air in. make sure to open your windows in the morning when you wake up and let the fresh breeze inside. The fresh air will help clear your mind and breathe with your whole lungs. It’s good both for your physical and mental health.

Get some Houseplants

Another great way to get some fresh air is to simply get some houseplants for your home. Firstly, they look amazing ad can create a whole new aesthetics in your home. Secondly, they will quite literally bring life into your living space. They will produce more quality air for you and make a better living condition for you and your family. Just make sure to take care of them well. Water them as much as they need and let them sunbathe. 

Take care of Pest Control

In order to prevent infection growth and spread, you need to take care of pest control. If you haven’t already, you need to consult experts and get them to check your home to see if there’s any need for pest control. In case you live in a flat, in a bigger city, chances are that you sometimes might have cockroach outbreaks in the pipes. In that case, getting professional cockroach pest control services is simply a necessity if you want to keep your home clean, safe and healthy.  

Sanitize your Home

This goes together with the previous statement. Keeping your home sanitised will prevent all sorts of bacteria and infections from spreading around. You are also less likely to get any pest-related issues in the apartment if you clean and sanitise everything correctly and thoroughly enough. Just make sure there are no wet spots around the house that will attract the pests.

Use a Doormat

Lastly, if you want to maintain your home and keep it clean with almost zero effort so that you don’t have to vacuum every day, use a doormat at the entrance. It will make sure that most of the dirt, dust, debris and water stay outside; or you can start wearing slippers around the house. 


In conclusion, keeping your house healthy means you have to keep it clean and sanitised. Hopefully these tips were enough to help you organise your cleaning check list. 

Add Extra Storage To Your Shower Or Over Your Tub

Here is a great solution to give you more storage in your shower or tub space. Use a tension rod that is long enough to go across the width of your tub or shower. Add shower curtain rings that have clips at the end that are designed to clip the shower curtain. We had to buy them online because we could not find them in the store. This allows us to put various items in the clips and easily accessible to you when your need them.

Upcycled Storage Jars


Photo From Lewisville Love

What a great way to reuse and upcycle old jars like these. Clean the label off which might need a product like Goo Be Gone. The top has been spray painted with a silver spray paint that is designed to be used on outside plastic to ensure durability. You can also use steel wool to rough up the plastic to help ensure the paint sticks. Labels like these can be purchased in many craft stores. Use these for spices, nuts, chocolate chips or other snacks and kitchen needs. But don’t just stop in the kitchen. These could work in a bathroom for bath powders, bath bombs, hair bands and first aid supplies. Use in a home office for supplies like staples, rubber bands, new tape rolls, paper clips and other odds and ends.