5 DIY Gifts That Kids Can Make


Are you looking for fun, inexpensive gifts that your kids can make themselves? Look no further! These DIY gift ideas are exactly what you need. Not only does creating handmade gifts help cut costs, but it can increase brain activity in children and help develop creativity. Check out these five simple craft ideas that you can try with your kids. They’ll love sharing their designs with others!

5 DIY Crafts and Gifts

1.     Photos with a Custom Frame

Photos never go out of style and are always cherished. Start by choosing a special picture (perhaps one with your child and the gift recipient), then search for a blank frame of any material that you can fully customize!

For example, decorate a premade foam or wooden frame with beads, glitter glue, and other decorations, or create your own frames from popsicle sticks and other materials that each child can personalize.

These added embellishments help you and your child create a gift that’s specifically tailored to the recipient, whether that’s a parent, grandparent, or a friend from school. The best part? This idea is great for any holiday or special occasion. Make a heart photo frame for grandma for Valentine’s Day or a special Fall photo frame for Thanksgiving. The ideas are endless for this project, allowing your children to dig into their creative designs.

2.     Coasters

Cup coasters are an easy and inexpensive DIY gift for kids to make, and can be a nice option for a parent on Mother’s Day or Father’s Day. Use a corkboard if you want to paint only, or use wood if you would like to engrave and paint your coasters. Here are the steps you need to follow to create these easy DIY coasters:

  1. Using the mouth of a cup, create a circle on your corkboard. Cut the circle out.
  2. Use acrylic paint to decorate the tops of the coasters.
  3. Once the coasters are dry, spray or paint on a clear coat to help seal in your kids’ art designs.
  4. If you use circular wood pieces, carve your designs before completing steps 2 and 3.
Image URL: ​​https://unsplash.com/photos/ZUgVjh7PFhk

3.     Pincushions

Pincushions have been around for years. Share one with the seamstress in your family to add some homemade love to their crafting area. Make a pincushion out of quilt fabric scraps or old pieces of clothing. Here are five steps to making a pincushion:

  1. Use the mouth of a cup to draw your circles for easy measurement. Cut two pieces of fabric in circles, and place the front of the fabric pieces together.
  2. Sew the edges of the circles together, but leave an opening for the stuffing. Knot your string and cut it at the gap. Turn the fabric right side out.
  3. Stuff your cushion with polyester stuffing until it feels full. You don’t want needles going straight through the cushion because there isn’t enough stuffing.
  4. Sew the opening gap together.
  5. Add some decorations to your pincushion. You can add string from the center around the pincushion—like you are cutting it into pie slices—and add a button to the middle.

4.     Painted Wooden Plaques

Wood design plagues are a home decor trend without an end in sight. These easy-to-do paintings are great for children of any age. This project requires pieces of wood, paints, and fun design stencils.

These are beautiful decorations for your child’s room, play area, game room, or as a gift for a family member. Tape the stencils on the wooden base and allow the children to paint as they desire. When you complete the designs, you can add a layer of clear coating or leave the paint as-is on the wood.

5.     Flower Clocks

Give Grandma a new flower clock made by her little flower. This piece will brighten up the room, give something to help Grandma remember the kids as time goes by, and help the kids learn time while visiting Grandma.

  1. Buy a circular clock that Grandma can hang in her living room.
  2. Add half-circle petals to the outside of the hand clock at each main number.
  3. On the petals, write the number of minutes represented at that time. For example, number one would have a petal with :05, two would have :10, and so on.
  4. Add a stem and leaves to the bottom of the clock to create a floral look.
  5. Let the kids design the flower petals and color around the numbers. Cut different types of leaves to make them extra unique.
  6. When you visit Grandma, hang the clock for her!

Add Love to Your Gifts

Fun homemade crafts can spur memories that will last a lifetime, and these five gifts make excellent home decor items for anyone to enjoy! You can tailor each gift to the particular recipient, adding their favorite colors and designs to the project. These kid-made DIY gifts are an easy way to share love with friends and family members, so start crafting today!

Baby Toes & Foot Art

10356157_10152806461798457_1344159066502825304_nHow cute and simple – use non-toxic paints like finger paints. Make different colors and sizes by using different kids toes. Makes a great present for the Grandparents or a gift for Mothers or Fathers Day! Finish with straight simple lines for the stem and add an extra few strokes under the foot imprint.

Last Minute Gift Box For Christmas Or Birthdays

8a8a77d2-6770-4a3a-b6e5-68aacee32ee6The picture shown shows the box in the ‘raw’ form – and this would be good if you were giving the gift to someone who wouldn’t think it was odd. But – once you have made the box you can unfold it and line top and bottom of sides with wrapping paper and use roll on glue to attach. Make box after drying.

Butterfly Baby Feet Painting

12969_10152542022695230_438238338_nOn a pallet place purple on bottom and blue on top and mix together where they meet. This should be finger paint that is edible. The area of paint on pallet (which can just be cardboard) should be slightly larger than your child’s foot. Place your child’s foot into the paint and press firmly onto canvas. Make the top of the antennae with the big toes. Let dry. When dry with black paint and thin brush or with large sharpie markers and make body, face and antennae. You can make a few of these at one time that make excellent gifts for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day as well as Grandparents. Change out colors to make an interesting butterflies.

Father’s Day DAD in Pictures

12708_696132367075173_1668406434_nWhat a unique Father’s Day present – Using large letters that have been spray painted white take various pictures with your little one(s) holding the letters that spell out DAD. These can be matted and framed with side by side frames. Dad will love these!