Dye Your Eggs With Silk

Video came from Holidash.

Dyed Easter Deviled Eggs

10006212_632824420099607_679797247_nHow cool is this? Make deviled eggs as usual except when you get the eggs cut and separated from yolks dye the white halves in different Easter colors with food coloring or Easter egg coloring dyes. Use same recipe that is the family favorite for filling. Makes a great surprise setting.

Easter Fun In The Snow

1491754_745050055527484_4116727764355239130_nFor those of you still in cold weather you have to find some fun in the weather you are having and I hope this finds you with a new smile.

Ever Wondered Just How Old Or Fresh Your Eggs Are?

51d89e23-ce33-406d-a796-c34fc1d3beaa.jpeg;base64Very interesting chart to show you just how fresh your eggs are. A lot of people don’t care other then to know if the egg should still be used because of age. Did you know that there is a change in how the egg tastes and cooks depending on how fresh it is? For some bakers only the freshest of eggs will work because they swear that the freshest of eggs makes cakes more airy and are more consistent when baking goodies like cookies and other treats. Depending on how you like your eggs fried you may want freshest (fluffy) or older (for a denser consistency). However, you should always toss eggs that float because they are considered bad and may be unhealthy to eat. Print this out and keep it in your recipe book or tape it on the inside of a cabinet in your kitchen for reference.

Bake to Make Hard Boiled Eggs

Bake in a cupcake tin at 325 for 30 minutes. Eggs will have a “creamier” texture on the inside and the shell can obtain slight browning where the egg hits the edges o the cupcake pan. This idea is great to prepare eggs to color or when you need many and already are using all of your burners. This is a great idea also to prepare what you need for few days to have for that extra protein for a lunch. When you remove them from the oven immediately submerge them into an ice bath, which will allow for easy peeling when you are ready to do so.