Cleaning And Organizing For Easter

As a traditional family holiday, Easter is usually a time for big family gatherings, lavish festive meals and fun group activities in the beautiful weather outside. And if everyone is coming to your home this year, Easter means one more thing – spring cleaning. On one of the sunny weekends ahead, gather up your strength and plan your time well. With a good strategy, cleaning and organizing for Easter is easy and doesn’t require an entire army of professional cleaners.

Winter isn’t really a wonderful time for washing windows and deep cleaning of carpets, and towards its end our homes are far from looking their best. Dust and dirt have found their way to every corner of your house and removing them unfortunately isn’t as easy as we would want it to be. But where to start? The preparations for Easter seem so many that finding the right organizational system is really important. One of the essential steps is obviously deep cleaning, but before starting with it, try to go through every room, de-clutter and pick out the things you don’t need any more – old clothing, torn and de-colourised bedding, piles of old newspapers and magazines, broken toys, and so on. Decide on what could be recycled or reused, and what’s for the garbage. Check the attic, every closet and every cabinet, and get rid of all the clutter – it can make spring cleaning even more challenging.

Next, you can proceed with the clean-up. Start with the kitchen and pay some special attention to the oven and the refrigerator, because you will be probably doing a lot of cooking around Easter. Greasy grime is settled on the kitchen cabinets – remove the build-up with a wood cleaner or a soapy water and a soft cloth. Then go to the living room and start with the book shelves, cupboards and cabinets. Wash the windows well both on the inside and on the outside, using either a household cleaning product, or a mixture of water and lemon juice. Instead of wiping with a regular rag, rub the windows with an old newspaper – it’s great for really dirty and smudgy windows. Professionals like Sparkling Carpet Cleaners Battersea advice to wash the curtains, vacuum clean upholsteries or if they have stains, clean up with a mixture of water and white vinegar. Mop all the the floors, even the wood ones, using soapy water and cleaning the baseboards with a dampen cloth.

Move on to the bedrooms – they are usually the easiest to clean up. Wash all the bed linen and coverings, dust off, polish the furniture. Use the vacuum on the mattress and follow up with a good disinfecting spray to kill all the bacteria and odours. Put the pillows and blankets in the washing machine. Don’t forget the bathrooms – clean them after a hot shower, the steam makes dirt come off easily. Mix water and baking soda for the tiles, but if you run into serious stains, choose a good bathroom cleaning product. Change the towels and wash the shower curtains – they should be changed or washed regularly. Clean the washing machine, as well – run it with hot water, then rub it with baking soda and white vinegar, leaving them for an hour. Run it again and after it finishes, wipe it dry. This should remove not only the dirt from it, but also any unpleasant smells.

After cleaning your home and throwing all the garbage, organize and tidy the yard and the garden. Prepare for the Egg hunt by removing weeds, dead or dry plants, as well as any leafs that are left from the autumn. Mown the lawn, refresh the shed with a new coat of paint, and plant early spring flowers to have a colourful and beautiful Easter. You can try pansy, bloodroot, wild “harmony” iris, yellow Trillium, Grape Hyacinth, daffodil, and others. Right before Easter, set the festive mood by decorating your home with cute Easter candles, egg and Easter bunny décor and a lot of fresh flowers.

Colorful Cupcakes

What an incredibly cool idea for any theme party. Use color coordinating icings to go with whatever festivities you have planned.

Star Wars Easter Eggs – All With A Sharpie

1463161_1161070777257067_6604932811029950786_nJust use a grey and black Sharpie to create the pattern shown in the photo above. These are pretty neat and the Star Wars fan wil love to help you create these.