A Quick Tip When You Are Not feeling Well

How many times are you sick and have tissues that are just set on your bedside table because you just can’t get them to the trash or you are not feeling like caring? This is such a simple solution. Take two large rubber bands and tie tissue boxes together like seen in the photo. Use a tissue and stick it in the old tissue box and its out of sight and when you are feeling better the whole thing can go to the trash. Such a simple little idea that can really mean a lot when you or a loved one are feeling sick.

My Cluttered Life – Part 2

I can’t tell you the number of items I find around the house that were purchased and either weren’t what I was looking for, didn’t fit just right, or just decided I really didn’t want anymore. They get put down with the intention to return.

Sometime attempts get made to do the return but where is the receipt? If I can’t find the receipt you get store credit and, well, I really want my money back. So it sits, in a pile, until its too late to return. Now what do I do with it? Sigh….

If it really can’t be used it either needs to go to the trash or in a container to be donated. It can be given to a friend or family member, as long as it goes out of your home. A big rule: No holding or storing items for others who do not live with you.

Lots of money is waited this way. I wonder if you took one popular store and added all the sales of product from that store that were never used and had had intention to be returned but ended up in a death pile in someones home would tally up to. Shivers…

So not much can be done for these items once they have been in your possession for a period of time but to donate, five away or trash. But, what can I do to prevent this from happening again in the future. Here is an approach I have developed to keep this from happening.

Get a zippered pouch and keep it in your car and get in habit of putting receipts in the zippered pouch so returns are easy. If you find you need to return something put the item back in the store bag with the receipt taped to the item so it does not get lost and put it in your car. Next time you go to that store or drive by that store do the return.

Make sure you regularly purge your zippered pouch of receipts after a certain time goes by when you can’t usually return, like 90 days, unless you need the receipt for a warranty.

Since I have got this habit it makers returns easy, it keeps a pile from developing and I have not once had to dig through the trash to find a receipt.

7 Things To Do After The Renovation Of Your Garden

So, you’ve just renovated your garden and you’re thinking what should I do next? Luckily, there are many things to do after you have renovated your garden. From choosing which plants to grow to creating a nice comfort zone, the options are endless. We’ve put together a list of interesting things you can do to make your new garden look great.

Cleaning up the Mess after Renovation

Renovating a garden is not an easy task and there will surely be a lot of mess after the renovation. Before you start working on your new garden, all of this mess and trash needs to be taken care of. There are several options for cleaning up the mess after the renovation of your garden. You can try doing it alone, but it will take you a couple of days to do this all by yourself. There is also an option of asking your friends, family, or neighbors to come and help with the cleaning. The third option is to hire a rubbish removal service to deal with this.

Choosing Plants

To create a year-round interest in your garden, it is important to choose a nice selection of shrubs, flowers, and plants. Before you start with the purchase, make sure to read up on your soil in the garden and consider factors like shade, exposure and sun. There are many planting suggestions out there and it all depends on what you wish to achieve. For example, potted plants and flowers are ideal for mobility and they add easy color to the garden. Just make sure to water them regularly and plant them with enough drainage.

Leave Plenty of Space for Guests

I know that plants are important, but it would be a good idea to save some space for your guests. Patios and decks are ideal spots for social gatherings and outdoor entertainment. Make sure you have enough room for dining and choose approximately how many friends you’re likely to host regularly. This is important because 4 square feet of space needs to be saved per guest, which means if you are planning to have dinner with 4 other people, you will need to make 20 square feet of free space. Don’t forget room for the outdoor furniture and a table that is needed for dining.

Keep the Distance between Plants

Many people make the mistake of planting flowers close to the edges of the patio and walkway. This is where math comes in. Plants which are about 33 inches tall have to be located at least 3 feet away from the patio edges. Otherwise, this place will look crowded and messy. If you are planning to have thorny plants like roses and crown imperials, please keep them away from all the traffic areas in the garden. You definitely don’t want your children and family to be in danger.

Creating a Comfort Zone

By choosing the right plants and using them in a proper way, a person can actually create a comfort zone in a garden. For example, broad-leaved evergreens are known to protect gardens from winds. In case you wish to place a tree in your garden, it can provide a shady comfort zone where you can hide from the sun during the summer season.

Create Entertainment for Children

Your children should enjoy the new garden as much as you do, so why not create some entertainment options for your kids. Think in the lines of homemade painted pots, birdseed feeders, tree house, rock plant markers, etc.

Invite the Neighbors Over

After you’ve renovated your garden, it’s time to celebrate and ask the neighbors to come over for tea, coffee, and some snacks. Maybe some of your neighbors are also into gardening and can give you some advice on how to make your garden become even more beautiful than it is now.



Melanie Saunders is a blogger and content manager at 1300 Rubbish – experts in the field of rubbish and junk removal. Personally, a huge fan of sustainability and green living.


Garbage Decomposition Rates



Amazing Decomposing / Recycling Facts

181046_498983486816585_1875230248_nWho would know that the decomposition of these items was so long. My family has always done it’s best recycle and do composting – we even shred office papers and junk mail and add to garden soil. The items decomposition years are staggering – will make me look more at our consumption of products in the future.