Halloween Party Kit Kat Frankensteins

What cool party treats are these. A simple Kit Kat broken down into pieces. Dip 1/3 of one end into mint green candy melts. While still wet attach chocolate candy (you could use a small Reeces Peanut Butter Cup) and add candy eyes. With black licorice add hands, mouth and scar. Yummy and scary at the same time.

Halloween Kit Kat Frankenstein Snacks

Break Kit Kat bars apart. Dip top third into green candy melts or green tinted melted white chocolate. Here we topped them off with half sphere shaped chocolates but you could use a Rolo. Do this and place candies eyeballs pieces of licorice and black mark icing on as soon as possible after dipping in green melt. This will ensure good ‘glued’ contact.

Easter Bunny Bait

12593714_1140576785973133_3800522848422676413_oKitchen Fun For My Three Sons – found on Facebook – is always a good site to find easy goodies. Here is Bunny Bait. Pop popcorn (I prefer bagged buttered popcorn myself) and add colored candy melts in pastels and lightly stir. Add colored sprinkles.

Optionals: nuts, M&M’s, shaped candy sprinkles

Easter Rice Krispies Treat Nests

10372241_1140527342644744_3784073105458835115_nGrease the bottom of cupcake wells and after making the recipe push a small amount into each well and make an indent in the middle. Using light green frosting pipe and fill the center indentation. Put jelly beans or other egg shaped candy into icing. You can also put green tinted raw coconut into the top of the icing and then push egg shaped candy onto that.