Hey! Who’s Glass Is Who’s? I Have A Fix!

b57cef11f05a4d6b8501c01eb791309dSo you are at a party and find yourself looking at glasses on the table and wondering which one is yours? Nope – not going to do it. I’ll just get another one. This leaves the host with lots of extra glasses to clean and sometimes makes it hard on other guests as the glasses are all used up! Heres a simple solution – use a variation of colors and thicknesses of rubber bands to make glasses identifiable. Problem solved!

Paint Can Drips – Heres A Quick Fix!

5ff410e860effc00bf0180cf49ea7d89Who knew rubber bands could be so helpful – but here we are again with a rubber band fix. Place a rubber band around paint can as shown in the picture and use it to scrap off excess paint when you are painting. Simple solution! No more excess dribbles on the outside of the can and everywhere else if your painting aftermath looks like mine!

Screw Cant Be Tightened? Heres A Fix!

6938fb3e2443d79f296036959d503eabSo many times we need to screw a screw tighter but we do not have the right size screwdriver to tighten the screw or the screw has become stripped. Using a rubber band between the screwdriver and the screw can make this burden solved for both cases.

Anti-Depression Kit – Make Several For Friends

1509208_807299542620645_732942206_nThis Anti-Depression Kit is such a cool little kit that can be made very cheaply. You could make a few and pass them out to friends when you think they may need a little cheering up. I have also heard of them have a variety of sweets and salty snacks with the caption “something good to know there is still good in life”. They can be made in a zip-lock or a little box obtained from Michael’s or Hobby Lobby. Such a good cheap gift that will surely make someone have a big smile.

Cany Cane Flower Floral Pot

What a great way to spruce up  a poinsettia or other flower pot inside your home. It is only temporary so it can even be made around a favorite pot in your home right now.

600043_298243373627302_1509361411_nPut a rubber band around the middle (from top to bottom) of the pot. Stick candy canes around under rubber band until you get the look in the picture. Tie a ribbon and then bow around the middle the of the candy canes. For a slightly more permanent design, hot glue the ribbon as you wrap it around the middle of the candy canes over the rubber band. Would make a great gift or decoration for a party, especially this time of year!