Unmatched & Mismatched Socks Stuffed Snake


Cut the foot part of socks off and overlap them one onto another until you get desired length. You can sew or use glue to attach to each other. The sock you use to make the head you leave the foot on. Stuff with poly fiber. Add buttons for eyes and a felt tongue. Use this same design and stuff with dried beans to put an end to a cold draft under a door or in a window sill.

Snowman Hurricane Glass


Use an old or new Hurricane Glass to make this really cool snowman. If you finish it with varnish you can actually use this to put a candle in or use it on a base light. A small push light would work also.

Use acrylic white and blot it on the inside of shade not making a solid thick cover. This allows the light to shine through with a unique snow appearance.

Paint a nose, mouth and eyes in acrylic paint on the outside. Cover with a varnish inside and out and you are ready to go. Add a decorative bow. What a great decoration that you can easily make yourself.