Kids Paint Recipe & Usage Idea

Kids got through a lot of craft supplies – and it can really add up. I always look for great ideas to be able to provide my little ones with lots of supplies without taking too much of a hit on my bank account.

So the paint recipe given in the graphic is a good start – I tried it and it works great.

I also like to repurpose, upcycle, recycle – so using old condiment squeeze bottles is a really cool trick. The ones pictured always keeps the paint down at opening so when your little one squeezes there are no ‘blurps’ that are likely to cause a mess. If you can’t wait to gett all of the bottles craft stores sell clear bottles with a nozzle top of many different varieties. Dollar stores usually sell the old fashioned yellow and red squirt bottles that are meant for mustard and ketchup. You would just have to put a label on identifying the color paint inside.

Star Wars Easter Eggs – All With A Sharpie

1463161_1161070777257067_6604932811029950786_nJust use a grey and black Sharpie to create the pattern shown in the photo above. These are pretty neat and the Star Wars fan wil love to help you create these.

Popsicle Drawing For Kids Reward

16864766_1013530562112759_7363868235258772356_nAlthough this mentions the award for good grades – I am going to use this with my little one as a general reward system. Doing good deeds, cleaning toys, being helpful, being kind, sharing etc. The photo above used foil to make a top but you can easily use a container with lid and carefully cut slits in the top to hold the popsicle sticks. The canister could also be wrapped in fabric.

Delicious Cupcake M&M’s Treat

16603108_1268257409919995_1105910241931124931_nHow cool are these? Here we find plastic wine glasses filled with M&M’s at the bottom topped with an iced cupcake. Another version of this idea is to put ice cream at the bottom and top with a cupcake unwrapped from its wrapper. Your guess will be in heaven enjoying these goodies.

Valentines Day Valentines Ideas

16195652_1468401789857296_8030190563454539741_nThese are so much fun to make with the little one. All you need is a few markers, construction paper, glue, ‘eyes’, and scissors. These are all just basically different hearts cut from construction paper and decorated. Your child will love helping you and the end designs can be hung on a wall or given to family or friends for Valentines Day.

Start with the bodies – use a pencil and lightly draw it. Keep adding the pieces using the designs above and don’t forget to embellish.