Piano Reformation Into A Bar

1422381_820159468109537_4289787679311676909_nI found this design online and though that it was an incredible repourpose of a piano that apparently is no longer usable. I could also see this made into a dining room hutch and buffet style piece of furniture. Nice to see something so grand used in a different way.

Spring Cleaning – Dining Room

Wax and Polish Your Furniture: Several times a year, it’s a good idea to wax or polish all of your wooden furniture. Done too often, and you’ll cause too much waxy build-up. Too infrequently and you’re depriving your furniture from a layer of protection. Oils and waxes of all kinds work well on your wooden furniture. Which one you choose is up to you. The most important thing to remember is to do a thorough buffing job so that you won’t leave a sticky, filmy residue.

Uphpolstery: If you have upholstered dining room chairs ,thoroughly vacuum and at the least, use a store-bought upholstery cleaner. To really clean those seats, steam clean.

Credenzas, Sideboards and Hutches: If you have any kind of storage unit in your dining room, spring cleaning is a great time to go though the cupboards and drawers and decide if you really use all of the items that you’re storing here. Over the years, It’s easy to shove things into these storage units that don’t actually belong in the dining room. Do a clear-out of all of the drawers and re-organize so that you’re only storing what you actually use.