Lumiary Painted Mason Jar

luminary light candle stars paint project craft mason jarClean a mason jar and dry – then wipe with a clean cloth and rubbing alcohol. This is important for the preparation of the glass to make it accept the paint. Use star stickers (or any shape stickers) and apply to mason jar in a design or random. Try not to touch the glass with your fingers anymore then absolutely necessary, the oil from your fingers can make it so the paint won’t stick. Paint with a variety of colors as an all over design or put cap on mason jar and dip one end in one color paint and dry – then dip the other in paint and dry. If you paint the bottom first and then the top and dry with the mason jar right side up the top paint can drip in streaks over paint on the bottom.  It is best to use acrylic paint but you will need to seal this with polyurethane so a design painted by a child with finger paints would work as well – and would make a nice gift for a parent or grandparent.


Indoor Tulips

10047_466981660041646_1905416083_nIndoor Tulips . . .

Step 1 – Fill a glass container about 1/3 of the way with glass marbles or decorative rocks. Clear glass will enable you to watch the roots develop . . .

Step 2 – Set the tulip bulb on top of the marbles or stones; pointed end UP. Add a few more marbles or rocks so that the tulip bulb is surrounded but not covered (think support). . .

Step 3 – Pour fresh water into the container. The water shouldn’t touch the bulb, but it should be very close, so that the roots will grow into the water. . .

Step 4 – Put the container in a dark, cool room where the temperature is between 40 and 45 degrees F (your garage or attic maybe?). Check the container occasionally and if necessary, add water to bring the level up. Be sure the bulb doesn’t actually sit in the water, because the bulb will rot. . .

Step 5 – Move the container to a sunny window sill after it’s been in the dark for a minimum of 12 weeks. If you can leave it for 16 weeks, the blooms will be even larger. The tulips will bloom within a month.

Christmas Tree Glass Ornament

Gallery Glass Window Color – Snow White, Kelly Green, Ruby Red
Gallery Glass 10″ x 18″ Leading Blanks
Large Round Glass Ornaments
Notebook Paper
Craft Knife
Cellophane Tape

Step 1 Place leading blank over lined paper; tape securely.
Step 2 Working one color at a time, trace multiple lines with Window Color. To keep the lines of paint from getting too wide, lightly squeeze the bottles of Window Color as you move it along the lines.
Step 3 Let dry overnight.
Step 4 Clean and dry ornaments.
Step 5 Remove the ornament hanger. Carefully peel the dry lines of Window Color from the leading blanks as you use them and apply them to the ornaments.
Step 6 Replace hangers and tie with coordinating ribbons.