Indoor Tulips

10047_466981660041646_1905416083_nIndoor Tulips . . .

Step 1 – Fill a glass container about 1/3 of the way with glass marbles or decorative rocks. Clear glass will enable you to watch the roots develop . . .

Step 2 – Set the tulip bulb on top of the marbles or stones; pointed end UP. Add a few more marbles or rocks so that the tulip bulb is surrounded but not covered (think support). . .

Step 3 – Pour fresh water into the container. The water shouldn’t touch the bulb, but it should be very close, so that the roots will grow into the water. . .

Step 4 – Put the container in a dark, cool room where the temperature is between 40 and 45 degrees F (your garage or attic maybe?). Check the container occasionally and if necessary, add water to bring the level up. Be sure the bulb doesn’t actually sit in the water, because the bulb will rot. . .

Step 5 – Move the container to a sunny window sill after it’s been in the dark for a minimum of 12 weeks. If you can leave it for 16 weeks, the blooms will be even larger. The tulips will bloom within a month.