Sea Glass Candle Sticks

12741890_1135407989823346_6128668128673226283_nSuch a simple and creative candlesticks that look like sea grass. They are beautiful and inexpensive. Simply take Elmer’s Glue and add food coloring (liquid or gel) to desired color. Remember that the color will be darker after it dries. Paint on a coat and repeat. Each coat will make it appear darker in color.

If you want this to be permanent coat wit two coats of polyurethane.

If you don’t make these permanent you can change the color for holidays, seasons etc. Remove the old coloring with hot water and dish soap.

You can use hard plastic or glass candle sticks for this project.

Don’t think just candle sticks. What about vases, bowls and wine flutes.

Think weddings, parties and gifts.

To give a more transparent look and feel add a few drops of water to the mixture.

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